30 Jun 2012

For the love of fine stationery.

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I didn't really want to go onto strange/materialistic/obsessive rants here but I am willing to make the odd exception.  During revision I succumbed to temptation and bought the most wonderful notebooks and the lovely timetable that you can spy in the picture from the fellows at Present&Correct.  But whilst I wish to share the joy that they briefly provided my materialistic streak with, be  warned, this website is a little dangerous.  The notepads are so perfect looking, and really, don't you just hate it though when you buy stationery that is too darned beautiful to write on?  How do you break down that first blank page barrier?  I mean.... what if your handwriting doesn't look right? This can't just be me...

1 comment:

  1. Dear god, some one else who understands the issue of "first blank page barrier" syndrome. I honestly can't own any more un-written in note books!!
