3 Apr 2014

in the Etsy shop - hand printed letter writing set.


Oh my, the weeks really are escaping me.  I can't believe it has been over a week since I wrote in this little space.  Faelen has discovered new games such as I'm going to throw everything off the highchair and cry until you pick it up and his continuing favourite everytime you look at something that is not me I am going to emit a shrill scream until you look back.  Impressive but time consuming! 

In bitesize sessions between these games, I have managed to finally put together these letter writing sets and upload them to Etsy.   I am really thrilled with how they turned out.  For a brief moment (when Faelen woke with a start and I got yellow ink in my eye) I thought about abandoning the project, but through primrose coloured tears I finished.  I am so glad I did - I have already sent a several envelopes out into the big wide world.

Now I have to go and retrieve various drooled on animals from the floor!  Yummy.

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