28 Aug 2013

The Entomologist: Part Three.

This post wasn't due to make an appearance till September but as I am still without a computer and this was the only post lurking in my drafts folder, early entomology it is!  August in the UK has been incredible for us bug-hunting types (less incredible for the kale and chard my mother has been trying to grow) as the weather has bought the butterflies out by the thousands.
insect 7

This butterfly is called the Comma because he has a white comma marking on the underside of his wings.  He landed on me and hitched a ride for about half a mile; my friend believes that butterflies signify pregnancy so perhaps he was attracted to bump?


This small tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais urticae) is one of hundreds that have been enjoying the sunshine and the buddleia outside our house.


I love these little dudes! The Cinnabar moth caterpillars (Tyria jacobaeae) are apparently brightly coloured to warn of predators but I am of the opinion it just makes them easier for me to spot and bother!


Okay so I have literally no idea what this little fellow is; he looks like a ladybird but has none of the right colours or markings.  Google seems equally clueless - any ideas?

insect 4

The Marbled white butterfly is just exquisite, apparently no other British butterfly shares its markings.  This one chilled out on the lawn with James and I as we drank our tea, I just love a lazy photo opportunity.

insect 5

This little moth had made his home in the mop and was required to make a rather damp and disgruntled getaway when I attempted to clean the kitchen.  He sat on a holly leaf drying out in the sun for a half an hour before bimbling on his way again.

insect 6

And finally a slightly grotesque photograph of one of the hundreds of shed spider exoskeletons that are hidden in the walls outside - I think the lack of rain means none of them are getting washed away.

I truly love British Summer Time. 

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