10 Oct 2012

The big One-Oh-Oh.

I know today is my food-sharing-day but I got back from university too late to take photographs (our flat is terrible for lighting) and really I just want to quietly appreciate this little blog's big one-oh-oh!  I'll be back tomorrow to make amends.
Okay, so 100 posts might not really be that many but I am super proud nonetheless.  I have officially been writing to you, my dear invisible audience, from the start of the spring blossom to today where the leaves started to fall on me as I walked into university.
I think I spend a lot of time considering my next steps; where we will live, what job I might find, what rotations James will get, whether I will still be near the people I love and when I can next satisfy my nomadic cravings.  There are so many unknowns it is very easy to forget the things I have right here and now.  Give it a year and these 100 posts may be an important reminder of this stage of my life before everything changes.
So happy 100 post day to me, here's to achieving 100 more!

1 comment:

  1. 100 posts! Congrats :) I can't wait to read 100 more!
