23 Sept 2012

Songs for September.

Firstly, my week through InstaCam.  This has been a week filled with bonfires & boardgames, wistful surfboard shopping (James) & flame like clouds and the surfacing of pictures on Facebook from events over the summer.  I am back at school and the mornings are icy as I brave my mile, Autumn is finally here. 

(and yes, I know these are hideously lined up, but it is Sunday evening and I am running out of time to do my homework!)

This is my first post in what I hope will become a monthly feature on this blog.  My reasoning is this; this summer James and I have been making a renewed effort to listen to more music.  It actually became a little non-optional; I am a creature of habit and am quite happy to listen to the same twenty albums over and over again, I find it comforting.  James on the other hand reached breaking point and forced me to branch out.  I figured that by sharing once a month about the new (or old) songs I have discovered (or rediscovered) I would be forced to keep up the good work and James may eventually regain the will to live.  So, without further ado, these tracks are my favourite discoveries of the month, I hope you enjoy.

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