29 Jul 2013

Strawberry Farms and Earl Grey Jam.

The small town my family live in in Somerset is commonly described as the arse end of nowhere.  Whilst the surrounding area is beautiful, it really doesn't provide a lot in the way of 'activities'.  Going on a date has to become a little more imaginative when restaurants aren't really a thing round here and the one coffee shop has opening hours I have yet to comprehend but appear to be approximately one hour once a month.
So instead we went on a strawberry picking date.  I hadn't been to a pick-your-own in years; I forgot how incredible they smell.
23 Following the strawberry picking date we enjoyed a jam making date, then, best of all,  a jam eating date.  We made the Strawberry and Earl Grey jam from Piccante Dolce, which was just wonderful.  Who knew that strawberries and Earl Grey tea could be such a perfect combination?
I sense this is a date we might be repeating.  (NB - please excuse the ridiculous hair - turns out there is no dignified way to grow out a short hair style!)
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  1. Strawberry & Earl Grey jam sounds delicious! I haven't been strawberry picking since I was little. Nothing beats fresh strawberries

    1. I would entirely recommend doing it again - although you can't get away eating as many as you go along as you might've when you were little. Apparently it is no longer endearing...! x

  2. Yum! This sounds so lovely!

  3. I'm fascinated by the idea of strawberry and Earl Grey jam. We have nothing like that here!

    PS Your hair looks cute, though I can sympathize with the frustration of growing out a short hair style.

    1. Thank you! The jam was given some skeptical looks by my family prior to completion but the whole batch has now mysteriously disappeared....!

  4. Earl grey jam? Sounds like my heaven! I plan to go berry picking soon so I'll keep that concoction in the back of my mind-- thanks for sharing!

    1. I concur - after discovering the recipe I found myself thinking about it pretty constantly until I finally got to go berry picking! x
